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How to Stand Out in Job Interview

Your potential employer has received your resume and scheduled the job interview. You are one step closer to your dream job, what should you prepare before doing the job interview? We got you covered, below we provide some tips to make you stand out in your interview.

Research The Company

Showing you know what the company is up to will look good to your interviewers. Check out the company’s website, newspapers, or social media for information such as what are their current projects? Have they been in the news? Who are their clients? Who will be interviewing you? Who are the company's competitors? What are their competitive advantages? This research will provide a solid understanding of the company’s goals and how your background makes you a great fit.

Prepare for Common or Possible Questions

“Tell me about yourself, and why are you interested in this role with our company?"

Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, such as what makes you the best candidate for the position. Have an example of each selling point prepared and be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what abilities it requires that you possess. List the possible questions and make a note of what your answers would be, but don’t worry about fitting in to an exact box. The interview is a chance to show your knowledge and skills but also your personality, so personal projects you’ve developed, or examples from hobbies or interests that are relevant might be of interest to the interviewer.

Dress for The Interview

It is important to know what to wear to an interview and to be well-groomed. Planning what to wear a few days beforehand will let you focus on the important things. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview. You don’t want a frantic panic on the morning of the interview as you hunt for a suitable outfit.

Make a Strong First Impression Show Interest in Interview

The first few moments of your interview can have a decisive impact on how well the rest of it goes. Make sure you arrive early enough to allow yourself time to settle in, on arrival put your phone on silent mode, make conversation with the receptionist and take in your surroundings. Be polite and friendly to everyone you come across in the interview process, smile or greet the people you meet from the moment you arrive until you reach the interview room. Focus on your non=verbal cues such as smiling confidently, shaking hands firmly, making eye contact and generally looking as if you’re glad to be there and you want the job.

Show Interest in Interview

Be Positive

  • Don't dwell on negative experiences during an interview. Companies want to hire problem solvers who overcome tough situations. If you’re feeling discouraged about your current job, focus on talking about what you’ve gained from that experience and what you want to do next. If the interviewer ask question such as “What did you like least about that previous job?”, focus on the answer of how you handle the problem of your previous job instead explaining the negative experiences you had.

  • Express an interest in possible learning and development opportunities. This is a great example of your proactivity. This shows you’re thinking long-term and seriously about the role and it will also help you respond appropriately to questions about your future plans or ideal career progression, relating directly back to the company you are applying to.

Ask Questions

  • Part of knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions that demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. Write them out as clear questions for the interviewer. This will help you avoid an awkward silence when you’re asked if you have any questions.

Be Authentic and Genuine

  • Respond truthfully to the questions asked. Show genuine gesture during interview with a positive smile and enthusiast body language. Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. When you tell your performance to demonstrate your ability, make sure to keep the confidence on the moderate level, don’t overdo it or being too reserved. Keep your answers concise and focused, practicing your answers beforehand since your time with each interview is limited.

Have a Rest

Feeling refreshed and alert will also help you cope with any unforeseen situations that might get the nerves buzzing; like questions you maybe hadn’t thought of. Have a good night sleep the day before the interview.

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