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Aurora Advantage

Minimalism Graphic | Aurora Consultancy Group
Benefits Chart | Aurora Project Support Services Benefits
Benefits Chart | Aurora Project Support Services Benefits
Benefits Chart | Aurora Project Support Services Benefits

Other Indirect Time
& Cost Savings

Change in
Company Focus

Cost Savings

  • Reduces the time spent on administrative task and to refocus on strategic planning initiatives.
  • Reduces errors from manual handling of data.
  • Eliminates cost of initial hardware and software investment and its subsequent maintenance.
Holiday Executive on Boat | Aurora Benefit | Aurora Advantage | Aurora Consultancy Group | Indonesia
Aurora Group | Project Support Benefits

Project Support Services

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  • Reduces spending on technology upgrades due to obsolete functionalities and changes in statutory requirements.
  • Controls operating costs as fewer employees needed to perform these administrative tasks, thus maintaining low headcount.
  • Reduces risks involved in security and confidentiality issues.
  • Opportunity cost from redeploying HR resources and investments to other areas.
  • Reduces risk of fluctuating employee turnover and the need for recruitment and retraining, thus ensuring a stable operational environment.
  • Increases employee satisfaction as a result of more timely and accurate response to their HR issues and queries.
  • Reduces financial risks involved in non-compliance of legislative, corporate and technology changes.​
  • Growing need for companies to leverage on established HR service providers for information and expertise that are not available internally.
  • Strategic partnership with HR service providers enable more flexibility and tailor-made solutions for ever-changing operational needs.
  • Quickly adapt and overcome pandemic related challenges.
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"Problems become Opportunities
When the right people come together"

Contact Us

  • Location icon ACG
Gading Marina Building
Suite 108, Jl. Boulevard Raya I,
Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, 14240

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  • Email Icon ACG
  • Website ACG | PEO Services
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